Board of Directors

Board Meetings

The PUD board meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. at the utility office, 2345 River Road. The public is always welcome, and customers are urged to comment and get involved in decision-making that affects them and the utility.  Special meetings also are occasionally held; each meeting is announced in advance.

We value all input, comments, and suggestions from our customers. Please call (541) 296-2226 or fill out our contact request form for visit our Contact Us page.

Board Agendas and Minutes

Board agendas are made public in advance of each meeting, and minutes are posted as soon as possible after approval by the Board of Directors. Older agendas and meeting documents are archived and available to the public upon request.

Visit our Public Records section for more information.

Meet Your Directors

Northern Wasco County PUD’s Board of Directors is elected by you, the customer-owners of the utility. Each board director serves a four-year term and represents a specific geographic area.

  • Subdivision #1
  • Subdivision #2
  • Subdivision #3
  • Subdivision #4
  • Subdivision #5
What's my district?

You are in...

    To earn Director Gold, directors must first earn NRECA’s Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate (CCD) and Board Leadership Certificate (BLC) plus three additional credits from the BLC courses. Director Gold demonstrates to District customer-owners and other stakeholders, a director’s ongoing commitment to advancing their knowledge and performing their fiduciary duty to the best of their ability.

    Roger Howe

    Treasurer, CCD, BLC, GOLD

    Subdivision 1