Commercial Rates

Your electric rates are set by the elected Board of Directors and reflect the true cost of providing service to customers.

For commercial customers, your bill consists of two primary charges:

  • A facilities charge, which covers the cost of maintaining and upgrading the electric grid in our service area, as well as the fixed costs of other customer services.
  • An energy charge, which covers the utility’s cost of purchasing and generating electricity to serve your needs.

In addition, if your need for demand for electricity exceeds a certain amount at any single time during the month (50 kilowatts for most commercial customers), you also will be assessed a “Demand Charge.” The Demand Charge pays the utility’s costs for having an electric system large enough to meet these one-time energy demands.

The PUD allows for other utilities to attach to the District’s power poles with a signed agreement. Pole contact rates are revised annually, based on the previous year’s financial statements.

The utility also has special rates in its Rate Schedule for customers who have their own generation and have entered into a net metering agreement with the PUD. A net metering facility is an electric generation facility that uses solar, wind, fuel cell, or hydroelectric power to generate electric power.

Northern Wasco County PUD’s electric rates are among the lowest in Oregon, the Northwest, and the nation.