Manager’s Message – February 2021

Monitoring for Legislative Changes

Roger KlineGreetings,

Northern Wasco County PUD continues to strive to ensure the affordability of the near-zero carbon-based electric service it provides.

Your locally elected board of directors, staff, and I attentively monitor the actions in Salem and Washington, D.C., to see how any proposed legislative action may impact us and the provision of the safe, reliable, and environmentally responsible electric service we all depend on. We find it important to engage in the legislative process early to try to influence policy where we can on your behalf.

Whether it relates to pandemic response, environmental attributes of our hydroelectric systems, fish and wildlife recovery programs, infrastructure reinvestment, income-qualified customer support, or even cybersecurity, we have a stake in ensuring unintended consequences are not realized.

Please visit our website to learn more about our various programs. Much more information is also available in the Board of Directors’ meeting agenda and attachments.

Best to all,

General Manager
Roger Kline