Manager’s Message — July 2022

Don’t Forget About Conservation

Roger KlineAt the June meeting of the Northern Wasco County PUD Board of Directors, staff updated the directors on many of the conservation efforts and successful projects completed by our energy management and conservation department. It was a great opportunity to see the real savings achieved by customers who have chosen to participate in the variety of programs the board supports and funds.

The Energy Efficiency Upgrade Programs’ rebate and process guide is available on our website or by calling our office at (541) 296-2226. You can search for contractors who have registered with us to provide services, apply for income-qualifying programs, or receive information on the variety of rebates for weatherization, appliances, heat-pump hot water heaters, smart thermostats, or heat pumps.

Please contact us to learn more or to schedule a free energy audit so we can recommend energy-saving projects to you. Saving energy and thereby reducing consumption and your utility bills are good for you and the PUD. Remember, we function as a not-for-profit entity and only charge rates to recover our costs. Energy is the largest expense item in our budget, so saving energy benefits the entire customer base. Thank you in advance for participating in these programs.

Happy summer, everyone. Please enjoy a safe Independence Day!

General Manager
Roger Kline