Manager’s Message – June 2021

Construction Season for You and the PUD

Roger KlineGreetings,

You will notice more and more inspection and construction work from Northern Wasco County PUD crews and our contractors as the weather warms and our typical construction season ramps up.

Utility pole inspection, testing, and treatment are critically important because much of your electrical system is transmitted and distributed via overhead lines. Let me remind you that yard sale and lost pet signs, as important as they are, do not belong on utility poles. This is for the safety of crews and the public, as well as the longevity of infrastructure and management of overall operating costs.

It is hard to believe we’re already halfway through 2021. We look forward to reopening our River Road offices to daily customer traffic, so keep doing your part to get us to that milestone.

Enjoy the sunshine and be safe as you head outdoors. Please be cautious of your individual wildfire mitigation responsibilities as well as using 811 Call Before You Dig services to ensure your home projects are completed safely.


General Manager
Roger Kline