You will notice more inspection and construction work by Northern Wasco County PUD crews and contractors starting next month.
Utility pole inspection, testing, and treatment are critically important because much of your electrical system is transmitted and distributed via overhead lines. We are in our fourth cycle of inspections, and the work is proving valuable.
We also are actively managing our joint-use program to ensure all nonelectric service wires and interconnections on PUD poles are safe and appropriate.
We recently updated our mobile app and web portal to better serve your needs. Please reach out via those platforms. They are efficient and help us keep information flowing to you. Similarly, keep engaging with us on our social media channels. That is the quickest way to stay informed.
It’s hard to believe we are almost halfway through 2022. So much excellent work is being accomplished at NWCPUD by your outstanding staff.
Enjoy the sunshine, and be safe as you recreate outside!
Roger Kline