Manager’s Message – March 2021

Colder Temperatures and Higher Bills

Roger KlineWe were fortunate to energize the newly reconstructed Tygh Valley Substation before the snow returned to the area last month. As I was appreciating that fact—and all the excellent work by the staff and contractor community that kept your electric service safe and reliable during that same weather system—I was reminded to take one more opportunity to share with you what this weather can mean to your electricity consumption.

Average ambient temperatures dropped during the weather system of February 10. (It’s still here as I write this.) Even though I have not adjusted my thermostat, my heating system has required more energy to accomplish the same task as days prior. More energy consumed equals a higher bill. Visually, it can be expressed in the chart.

March Graph
This is the actual energy consumption data from my home in The Dalles. I accessed this information from my personal account on our web portal. You can do the same thing for your account to see your consumption. You also can retrieve this information from the Northern Wasco County PUD app. I fully admit this likely excites me way more than it does you!

We are working hard to keep the near-zero carbon power flowing safely, reliably, and affordably to you. Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work diligently to provide electric utility products and services in the most value-conscious manner possible on your behalf.

Stay warm, stay safe, and stay healthy!

General Manager
Roger Kline