Manager’s Message – November 2017

Change in Season, No Change in Mission or Values

As the leaves turn and the evenings begin to cool, let us take a moment to prepare our homes and businesses for the change in weather.

This is a great time to change HVAC air filters, ensure batteries are fresh in your smoke detectors, carbon monoxide monitors, and flashlights, and even that your winter blankets and 3­7 ­day emergency kits are stocked and ready. As we experienced last winter and during the recent fire season, we can never be overly prepared.

Statistically, we have a very reliable electric system but we should always be ready for extended power outages or situations that isolate us from food, fuel, and other resources. Being ready for unplanned events is always a good idea!

We continue to work very diligently to update and maintain your electric power transmission, distribution, and customer service systems and all their accouterments and more importantly to do those in as safe, reliable, and fiscally prudent a manner as possible.

Thank you for your continued trust as we work hard to operate NWCPUD on your behalf.


Roger Kline
General Manager