I am happy to report your elected board of directors continues to support staff and my recommendation to authorize the sale of municipal bonds to help us complete some greatly needed infrastructure upgrades and new construction projects for you, our customers. The investment market for bonds continues to be favorable, and accomplishing this work prior to catastrophic failure is important for many reasons.
The rehabilitation and construction of electric infrastructure are necessary as the ways people use electricity continue to evolve. Transportation electrification and the transition of home heating and cooking to electricity from other sources have profound impacts across the nation. Locally, we are increasingly dependent on our safe, reliable, and environmentally responsible power system.
We are also starting a transition to a new enterprise computer system that allows us to better serve you. This is intended as a more behind-the-scenes transition, with more communication to you when specific actions are requested, such as downloading a new smart device application or creating a new web login when we get to those key milestones next year. This is exciting for us, as we will be able to serve you better.
Lastly, as we approach September—designated Emergency Preparedness Month—we want to bring your attention to an important event. There is a preparedness event on Saturday, September 16, from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. at Mid-Columbia Fire and Rescue at 1400 West Eighth Street, The Dalles. It is a valuable opportunity to bolster your emergency readiness, and we encourage you to participate.
Best regards,
Manager Roger Kline