Manager’s Report — February 2019

Energy Burden and Affordability

Roger KlineThe Oregon Housing and Community Services, Oregon Department of Energy, and the Oregon Public Utility Commission recently announced the publication of an initial 10-year plan to reduce energy burden and improve energy efficiency in affordable housing across the state. The plan, which is accompanied by an interactive assessment of energy use in affordable housing, provides recommended steps for Oregon to reduce the energy burden on low-income households. Northern Wasco County PUD is very supportive of this effort as it matches what your locally elected Board of Directors and staff strive to do on your behalf, each and every day.

Energy burden is defined as the percentage of household income that goes toward energy costs. If a household spends more than six percent of its income on energy-related costs, they are considered energy-burdened. The interagency assessment and plan, along with the Oregon Department of Energy’s recently completed Biennial Energy Report, indicate that lower-income families are more likely to be energy-burdened.

As I’ve previously stated here, Northern Wasco County PUD residential customers tend to consume more than the state and national average of electrical energy in their homes. We are committed to providing opportunities for you to reduce your personal energy consumption, and thereby electric bills to ease your energy burden. Please see our Programs & Services section to learn more about energy efficiency and low-income assistance. The information also is available in our offices at 2345 River Road in The Dalles.

Many thanks to those of you who have already begun this process!

Roger Kline
General Manager