Manager’s Report — July 2019

Reinvestment in Your PUD Systems

Roger KlineYou may be noticing more and more inspection and construction work from PUD crews and contractors starting this month. Utility pole inspection, testing, and treatment are critically important as much of your electrical system is transmitted and distributed via overhead lines. We are in our third cycle of inspections and it is proving very valuable. Similarly, we are auditing our joint-use program to ensure all those non-electric service wires
and interconnections on PUD poles are safe and appropriate.

The advanced meter infrastructure project is moving forward very well. The communication network is up and running and the “vintage” meter on my own home was replaced with an accurate digital meter that has already given me some personal insight as to how I can reduce unnecessary power consumption and lower my bill. We are excited to get these meters installed throughout our system and to begin offering everyone more insight into their own power consumption patterns.

I know I’ve hinted at this before, but we will soon be releasing our mobile application (app) to provide consumption, billing, and other customer service information to you. Please stay tuned!

It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through 2019. So much excellent work is being accomplished at NWCPUD by your excellent staff. As I write this, we’ve just finished celebrating the completion of the Quenett Creek Substation with our partner the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). More on that later.

Enjoy the sunshine and be safe as you recreate outside!

Roger Kline
General Manager