Manager’s Report – June 2018

Investment in Your PUD Systems and People

About this same time last year, I reminded you that we were amid some major infrastructure renewal projects. I thought I’d take a moment to update you as to how they are all progressing.

Utility pole inspection, testing, and treatment have paid huge dividends for our electric system. We have completed our second round of inspections and have replaced many poles before they failed and caused power outages, interruptions, or worse. We’re improving our work processes and accounting to ensure that any outdoor lights that are in our system are being billed appropriately as well. Thank you for your understanding and patience if that has impacted you personally.

Your Board of Directors approved the staff’s recommendation to adopt our smart grid initiative to bring enhanced services to you, our customer-owners, and the community. We’ll be installing the communication network later this year and continue replacing the electric metering infrastructure as appropriate to ultimately offer you enhanced products and services through technology. Meter reading accuracy and overall reliability of service are huge benefits of this community investment as well.

More than just replacing poles, meters, and wires goes on at your PUD every day. The staff works hard to provide excellent customer service, billing accuracy, and timely processing of all the other details that it takes to ensure safe, reliable, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible electric service to you. We do regional policy work, strategic planning for the future, safety and technical training, community outreach, and support economic development in multiple ways as well. Our community is growing and your PUD is growing right with it.

None of this is possible without excellent people and a supportive community. Thank you for allowing us to accomplish all of this on your behalf.

Please ensure we have your current contact information, including email. Also, feel free to take advantage of electronic bill payment. You can do that through your financial institution or directly at, we do not process any extra fee or charge for this service. This is also a great season to have an energy audit or to sign up for budget (levelized) bill payment. Explore these options on our website!

Enjoy the sunshine and be safe as you recreate outside!

Roger Kline
General Manager