Refining Our Path to the Future
I have just returned from our Nation’s Capital, where along with other delegates from the Public Power Council (PPC) Website (, we met with our Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana House and Senate Members and key staff members, to share our perspectives on the cost-competitiveness of Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), progress on the Columbia River Treaty, and other integral aspects of our business.
I am very appreciative that in those discussions the areas of focus we have been engaged with locally are proving very germane to what the industry and region is realizing across a very broad spectrum. That is why I am proud to share that your locally elected Board of Directors approved an updated Strategic Plan at its October meeting. This Strategic Plan refines our efforts for the next 10 years and allows the District to continue to position itself and our community for a successful energy future.
The Board was supportive of adjusting the organization’s values to more closely align with the way we have worked over the last few years:
- Safety: Working safely and protecting the public, our employees, and the assets we manage is non-negotiable.
- Integrity: Being ethical and holding ourselves accountable to conduct business in a fair, honest, open, compliant, and environmentally responsible manner is at the core of what we do.
- Customer Service: Providing quality service at a competitive price while being responsive to our customer’s needs creates added value and improves customer satisfaction.
- Respect: Encouraging constructive dialogue that promotes a culture of inclusiveness, recognizes our differences, and accepts varying viewpoints will lead us to optimal solutions for even the most difficult challenges.
- Operational Excellence: Engaging employees to strive for excellence and continuous improvement ensures that we provide reliable service while managing costs and creating a rewarding work environment.
- Sustainability: Maintaining financial integrity, minimizing our environmental impact, and supporting responsible economic development in our communities ensures the long-term viability of the organization and the communities we serve.
The updated Strategic Plan has too many aspects to list here, so I invite everyone to visit our About Us page to see it, or to come visit us at your next monthly public Board of Directors meeting to learn more. Meetings are held at 6 P.M. the first Tuesday of every month at the NWCPUD Offices.
Also, please schedule a free energy audit for your residence or business to find ways to reduce your energy consumption and your bill.
Roger Kline
General Manager