Press Release: Northern Wasco County PUD Recognized as a Smart Energy Provider by the American Public Power Association


Northern Wasco County PUD Recognized as a Smart Energy Provider by the American Public Power Association

The Dalles, OR – October 28, 2024 – Northern Wasco County People’s Utility District (the District) is proud to announce that it has been designated as a Smart Energy Provider (SEP) by the American Public Power Association (APPA).  This prestigious national designation is awarded to utilities that demonstrate excellence in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental initiatives.  This designation marks the District’s continued excellence as Oregon's sole recipient in the program's six-year history.

The SEP program recognizes close to 100 public power utilities across the nation for their commitment to best practices in energy management.  The designation is granted following a rigorous evaluation by an expert review panel that assesses the utility's programs in four key areas: Smart Energy Information, Energy Efficiency and Distributed Energy Resources, Environmental and Sustainability Programs, and Communication/Education and Customer Experience.

Roger Kline, General Manager and CEO of Northern Wasco County PUD, expressed pride in the designation.  “This recognition reflects our commitment to providing innovative energy solutions that benefit our community and protect our environment,” said Kline.  “We strive to enhance our services through continuous improvement and collaboration with our customers, and this designation affirms our efforts to lead in smart energy practices.”

The SEP designation validates Northern Wasco County PUD’s dedication to community ownership and non-profit service.  By implementing energy efficiency programs, exploring distributed energy resources, and promoting sustainable practices, the utility aims to not only meet the energy needs of its customers but also contribute positively to the environment.

The SEP designation lasts for three years, commencing on December 1, 2024, following the official recognition presented by Erin Miller, Vice President of Programs and Sustainability at American Municipal Power, Inc., and Chair of the SEP Review Panel, during APPA's Customer Connections Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, on October 28.  As part of the program, utilities will continue to learn and improve their smart energy practices, serving as role models for others in the public power sector.

For more information about Northern Wasco County PUD and its SEP designation, visit


Northern Wasco County People’s Utility District (NWCPUD) is a customer-owned utility that provides nearly 25,000 people and businesses with electricity in Wasco County, Oregon.  Formed in August 1939 and first delivering power in April 1949, NWCPUD’s mission is to provide reliable, competitively-priced energy, and related services that benefit our customers in the tradition of public power.  As our name implies, “people” are what we are all about.  For more information, please visit:

The American Public Power Association is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 54 million people in 49 states and five territories.  APPA advocates and advises on electricity policy, technology, trends, training, and operations.