Rental Properties

The NWCPUD strongly urges all landlords (property owners or property managers) to have a signed Landlord Agreement on file with the utility that will keep electric service from being disconnected during the time lapse between when a tenant moves out and another one moves in.

A Landlord Agreement with the utility authorizes the utility to keep service left on between tenants, and that the landlord, owner, or property manager agrees to pay for the electric usage during this interim time period. An account processing charge will not be assessed to the landlord, owner, or property manager between tenants when a Landlord Agreement is on file.

To be eligible for a Landlord Agreement, the landlord, owner, or property manager must have and maintain a good credit rating. The agreement will become null and void should any of the following occur:

  • Account in the name of the landlord, owner, or manager becomes past due
  • A good credit rating is not maintained
  • Notification is received from the landlord/owner or property manager that a property has been sold
  • By any other written notice

For more details about Landlord Agreement visit our NWCPUD Customer Service Policies page. If you would like to create a Landlord Agreement for a property you currently own and is occupied by a tenant, please view the Landlord Agreement Form (PDF) to download and complete a fillable copy of the form and submit it to the PUD office.

When you add a tenant or property to your existing Landlord Agreement with the Landlord Request for Service form, we will waive the account processing fee. Please view the Landlord Request for Service form (PDF) download and complete a fillable copy of the form and submit it to the PUD office.